Monsoon Restaurants
Monsoon is one of my oldest clients. I even worked there for a spell back in 1999 as a waiter before for finally getting that "real job" at a graphic design firm. I've been involved closely with the overall brand since the beginning and we have built at least 5 different website iterations over the last 20 years or so. You can read more about my releationship with owner Eric Banh and how we develped the brand for sibling restaurant Ba Bar over on the blog.
My Roles
Brand Management, Graphic Design, Web Design & Developent, Advertising, Marketing, Photography
Menu System
Laser-etched Bamboo Boards
Guest Check Presenters
Menu Book
Bag Stamp & To Go Box Stickers
Promo Cards
Promo Cards
Gift Card System
Promo Cards
Promo Cards (Illustrations from Tina Randolph)
Promo Cards
Advertising Boards
Magazine Advertising